I dunno what was wrong with me... I was becoming... something [二哈][衰][骷髅]👺👽👾👻👹, and someone gave me this. Guess I'm back to my normal self![并不简单][可爱] ​


看完后发现,原来智障真的会传染![笑cry] ​



久しぶり~~好久不见[爱你]不知道大家有没有想念我和我家Rosie呢?消失这么久是因为我把微博密码忘了..[委屈]不会再做这种蠢事啦,以后会继续分享我的生活日常,还会用中文与大家交流,要继续支持我哦~#TaylorR# ​

A little change in my regular Wednesday schedule, after the morning session, got called to be in some sort of documentary... waiting for the people who invited me for this. ​

Alibaba Records RMB 168.2 Billion in 2017 Singles’ Day Sales 1682亿,阿里巴巴2017光棍节再次打破记录

China to Provide "Spiritual Nourishment" With Multiple 24-Hour Bookstores Opening in Beijing 北京的24小时书店

Bottega Launches New Sunday Brunch, Making Xinyuanli the Ultimate Brunch Haven Bottega金尚店的早午餐新上市

Have Your Ears Shattered by Notoriously Noisy Shoegaze Stars, A Place to Bury Strangers, Dec 14 12月14日Notoriously Noisy Shoegaze Stars的演出

Quiz, Corn, Canines, and More! Eclectic Events Abound as Maovember Enters Week Three Maovember进入第三周啦

Study Says Beijing Trumps Silicon Valley as the World's Top Tech Hub, But Those on the Ground Unsure 有研究说北京取代硅谷成为科技之都

Cold Snap Prompts Early Start to Beijing's Heating Season 暖气来啦

Café Flatwhite Opens New Location and Launches New Menu and Special Sets for New Zealand Week 来福咖啡在建国门外交公寓开了新店,上了新菜单,还有新西兰品鉴周的特别菜单

EAT: Studio 88 at Mosto, Migas' La Granja Farmers Brunch, Annie's Delivery Discounts 本周吃货新闻

Last Beijing Zoo Wholesale Market Gets Closing Date on Same Night Tianhe Baima Market Shuts Down 拜拜,动批 ://www.thebeijinger.com/blog/2017/11/15/closing-date-last-beijing-zoo-wholesale-market-announced-tianhe-baima-market-shuts ​

5-Bar(k) Tour: The First Maovember Dog Pub Crawl, Nov 19 11月19日,带着你的狗狗去串酒吧吧

Coming up at half past 7 AM...wrap up on President Xi's trip to Laos. Also latest on quake that has killed hundreds near the border of Iraq and Iran. And I have a bit of Tie breaker situation going on on this Ties-Day. So I'll wear a gray tie in one show and a red in the other...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/3394316190/4174244197596351 ​

Only three ties left.....I wore the Red one at the top last week. Still some time to vote...right now the gray tie is in the lead. Let me hear from you. Your choices teal...gray...or the striped red tie. Vote early and often I am on the air at half past seven AM. ​

Let's remember... Deep Freeze FATALITY!❄❄❄⛄👊💥💀

//@村东头养猪娃: 转发微博


