
长大后,才发现鲁迅的文字是那么深刻,鲁迅这话太形象了,精辟到让人沉默以对。 ​​​​


知乎点赞最高的段子,看完没笑的举个手[doge][doge](来源:爱奇旅) ​


【90后姑娘写辞职信火了:我要像风一样自由[哆啦A梦吃惊]】#杭州身边事# 近日,网友“露宝_1993”发微博:“我家客服离职,好有个性。”“离职员工申请表上,姑娘写着辞职原因:“我要像风一样自由”。据了解,递交辞职信的姑娘是江西人,98年出生,个子很高很漂亮,平时挺文静的,来公司干了不到两个...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1644358851/4154054370431828 ​


为师告诉你“新闻联播”怎么说[小黄人坏笑][小黄人坏笑]BBC14类新闻常用词,涉及文化、科技、军事等@微博教育 ​



//@日成正日正恩:“If we did not have Putin but someone liberal,many problems like Syria and North Korea would disappear.” If we replace Putin with "some country" in this sentence,the conclusion is the same.

为Boston Globe写的第一篇专栏,专访卡斯帕罗夫。不确定国内能不能看。


经过“外国情报监视法庭”的允许,奥巴马政府在去年开始对Manafort直接监听。因为他曾是川普竞选活动的总干事,也就意味着川普也被监听了(一直到今年年初)。调查川普通俄的特别检察官Mueller苦于没有证据,现企图通过威胁起诉Manafort在其它方面犯法而引诱他与检方合作。这是Manafort的正式声明。 ​




默克尔今天对德国媒体说,她认为川普有关如果朝鲜威胁美国利益将被摧毁的威胁是错误的。她说:"We consider any form of military solution as totally inappropriate and we insist on a diplomatic solution."(“我们认为所有军事方案都是不合适的。我们只认定外交方案。”) ​

Hi everyone...I know you are asleep right now...or you should be...but wanted to tell you that I will be back at half past seven this morning. We will have live reports from Mexico on the devastating earthquake, and Puerto Rico on the equally devastating hurricane. Also we'll b...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/3394316190/4154263611402790 ​

#自学西语# Ejercicios de unidad 3 War for the Planet of Apes.. set a different tone, really heartbreaking to watch... "There are times when it is necessary to abandon our humanity to save humanity." Heytea is so damn good! Tired.. physically and mentally.. ​

Taiwanese Architect Wins Yoshizaka Takamasa Award

Instructions said "pull upward" on an object that was on the ceiling. It should've said pull out at a 45-degree downward angle. ​

#旅游# Despite the rain, I got some great views on my first day in Dalat, Vietnam.


【奇葩贴】女生宿舍的关系到底有多复杂  [拜拜][拜拜][拜拜] ​

I didn't teach Fifoño like that, but a bit similar. I remember he was whimpering over and over while doing it, but now he even runs into the stairs, lol[嘻嘻][嘻嘻][嘻嘻]//@Elaine亲亲小北:[心]


Horrible, horrible irony! Just last night was talking about the big earthquake of 1985 and exactly in the same day, 32 years later, it happens again and this time stronger! Fortunately, all my family, friends and relatives are okay, but still... really awful way to "celebrate" '8...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2780404473/4154027618815089 ​


【李嘉诚国内套现逾670亿港元 欲斥资106亿港元加仓伦敦】李嘉诚又出手了,瞄准了英国能源行业。李嘉诚所控制的基建投资公司长江基建正在考虑向英国能源生产商Cory Riverside Energy Group发出收购要约。这家把废物转化为能源的伦敦公司的估值可能达到106亿港元。而据公开资料显示,2013年以来,李嘉诚...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1956700750/4153989945444580 ​

Street Eats: Pian’erchuan Noodle Soup and Hearty Shumai from Hangzhou 我们去3.3大厦的二烧探店

The Job Hunt: Music Management, Travel Journalism, and Basketball Coaching 本周招聘

