//@木玉弓: 转发微博


//@GabrielleChor_颜: 转发微博

中国的改开成就中有哪些“世界之最”?改革开放迎来40周年,如何检验中国收获的成果与经验?研究中国经济长达三十年的英国学者罗思义在其最新研究中给出了自己的答案,并以一个外国人的视角由表入里、由浅入深地对中国改革开放的成就和影响进行了梳理和评判,该系列研究将分为四部分发表。本文为第一部...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2559830984/4230925850526844 ​

//@克勤克俭的微博: 转发微博


//@leungwm: 西方媒体和中国买办知识分子有意隐瞒中国增速远超人类史上其他任何国家这一事实,有一个重要原因。这是因为创造无比伦比的经济发展速度和规模的是一个社会主义国家,而非资本主义国家。//@荒川围脖:转发。改开成就的总结。

中国的改开成就中有哪些“世界之最”?改革开放迎来40周年,如何检验中国收获的成果与经验?研究中国经济长达三十年的英国学者罗思义在其最新研究中给出了自己的答案,并以一个外国人的视角由表入里、由浅入深地对中国改革开放的成就和影响进行了梳理和评判,该系列研究将分为四部分发表。本文为第一部...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2559830984/4230925850526844 ​



HOT TAKE = an angry comment on social media, usually made in reaction to news without a lot of thought: "Every time I see Donald Trump's hot takes on twitter, I still feel shocked that he is our president." ​

And one of my best friends and Capoeira instructor is the main baddie in the film.[心]

【什么?《战狼2》的非洲街景都是在北京拍的[吃惊]】 Chinese military action film Wolf Warrior 2 received a lot of attention in 2017, arousing the patriotism of many citizens. The movie shows many African streets and buildings that seemed quite authentic to many people. But, in fact...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/3173633817/4230978593550918 ​

Funny how I thought WW3 would begin by Kimmy's messianic nuclear armageddon... but instead it might be caused by an orange turd attacking another unrelated country.[思考]

#快讯##朝鲜停止核试验# 【朝鲜决定自4月21日起停止核试验和洲际弹道导弹发射】The leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong Un announced on Friday that the country will stop nuclear tests and launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles starting from Apr...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/3173633817/4231139504194817 ​

In China, true power resides in symbols — so much that symbols sometimes supercede the people or institutions they represent.

Jennifer Hsiung, a Canadian, and Lincoln van der Westhuizen, who hails from South Africa, are set to split plenty of sides on Apr 21 during Comedy Club China\'s latest HotPot showcase.

Although fengshui usually advocates for reasonable solutions to organizing a living environment, one Beijing office manager\'s invoking of that practice made some of his colleagues very suspicious.

To listen to Diva Li is to immerse yourself in a murky, melodic stream that threatens to swiftly sweep you away.

Noise Pollution: Brain Failure and China Grrrl at School, SNOS at Temple, Yugong Yishan Fest #noisepollution

Sta Food\'s hip-hop indebted decor will defy your preconceived notions of what a noodle shop should look like.

“Tom Tom’s purpose is to raise awareness about girl and women percussionists from all over the world, to inspire females of all ages to drum, and to strengthen and build the otherwise fragmented community of female musicians.”

First presented in 2012 at Paris’ Musée des Arts Décoratifs, this exhibition is traveling for the first time to take up residence in China at Beijing’s Today Art Museum from Apr 21 to Aug 5, 2018.

Even though Tokyo instrumental rockers Mouse on the Keys have been hailed as one of Japan\'s top post-rock acts, frontman Akira Kawasaki rejects that label entirely. #mouseonthekeys #tortoise #postrock

21 April 2018 true pdf.

#时代周刊#30 April 2018 true pdf. Among the whole Mandarin speaking world, only Pony Ma is eligible??? I'm not sure. What do you make of it?

#商业周刊#23 April 2018 true pdf.

