#经济学人#18 February 2023 true pdf. Please can you seek the download link from 置顶微博? Can't find the link? Suggest you check the instructions on 。Thx and have a great weekend! ​

#时代周刊#27 February 2023 true pdf. Please can you seek the download link from 置顶微博? Can't find the link? Suggest you check the instructions on 。Thx and have a great weekend! ​


#美国被曝炸毁北溪新证据##又一记者披露美国炸毁北溪细节#【俄媒:又一美记者提供新证据,指控美国去年“炸毁北溪”】又有人指证“美国炸毁北溪”并披露了更多细节。俄罗斯卫星通讯社17日最新报道称,根据美国记者约翰·杜根向该媒体提供的一封来自匿名美军人士的邮件,去年6月在丹麦博恩霍尔姆岛附近举 ​


我的新书《别误读中国经济》从经济学的角度,以外国人的视角分析中国经济成就达成的各项因素,多角度、深层次地细化研究中国经济与世界其他经济强国的发展指数,并结合党的十九大精神,评价了中国经济出现的新现象及重要话题,解析中国多项经济战略部署的阶段进展与发展前景。本书可在当当网购买: ​

"Valentine's Day's coming!? Oh Crap! I forgot to get a girlfriend again." ​

I really need to try to plan more in advance. ​

Now every February You'll be my Valentine No regrets, just love We can dance until we die 💘 ​

Booked my first trip of the year. Heading to Chicago for the first time. ​

2022年,中国是日本农林水产品与食品的第一大出口国,其中扇贝等产品的出口额持续增加。为了让中国消费者更深入认识和了解日本的水产文化,让他们能品尝到更新鲜、更优质的日本进口水产品,由日本贸易振兴机构广州代表处(JETRO)和大正(广东)食品科技有限公司共同举办的 “Hi鲜聚会·鱼您相约”日本 ​

In other (more pessimistic) words, we are constantly “mining” the new data, with our individually unique human experiences, to (willingly) feed the algorithms and be prosessed by the increasingly powerful super computers… until one day the AI is no longer artificial?[doge] ​

#经济学人#11 February 2023 true pdf. Please can you seek the download link from 置顶微博? Can't find the link? Suggest you check the instructions on 。Thx and have a great weekend! ​

Worst part of watching sports now is the non-stop commercials for sports betting apps. ​

I really don't like this snowless winter. Never thought I'd see such extreme effects of climate change in my lifetime. ​

奉劝大家将“新年1月大戒酒行动”发展为“2023年大戒酒行动”(然后反手就在Gopuff下单买酒送到家门口 [666])

Tempting you to turn your Dry Jan into Dry 2023 👀


American Idol has been making dreams come true for 21 years, you think we’re not gonna go BIG?! 🎰🎶 Roll the 🎲 with us, the season premiere is Feb. 19 on ABC! ✨ ​

当你可以穿这靴中之王Geli Solid时,还穿什么雨靴(还要什么自行车 [喵喵])因为上帝知道最近都在下雨 ☔️

Why wear rain boots when u can wear the boot of all boots: the Geli Solid cause lawd knows we’ve had some rain these days ☔️ ​

新年建议一则:穿着带马刺的马靴时别蹲下,伙计 🤠(因为会扎🍑,寓意:别做蠢事)

advice fer the new yer: don’t squat with yer spurs on buddy 🤠 ​

Got reminded that it's my work anniversary. They treat me well enough that I've stayed this long. ​

Warm winter day means I should walk to the grocery store and buy a few things to cook a vegetable stir-fry for dinner. ​

好美好美转圈圈 [憧憬]


