
英国脱欧第二轮谈判。 1月31日,英国将脱离欧盟的政治结构——欧盟委员会、欧洲议会等。这是由英国大选的结果决定的——拙文《背弃统一战线,“留欧派”将英国命运拱手让给“少数人”》对此有详细分析。但在中国,并不是所有人都意识到英国届时不会脱离欧盟的经济结构。从法律上讲,到2020年底前,英国...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2559830984/4465280069169753 ​



//@Lucky乐雨禾: 转发微博

是敌是友?毛泽东思想或许给了华为答案。 在分析欧洲买办和国家资本之间的斗争时,毛泽东的经典著作《论人民民主专政》和 《关于民族资产‎阶级和开明绅‎士问题》对“民族资产阶级”的论述,是了解英国和欧洲正面临美国步步紧逼的整体形势的最佳指南。毛泽东对这些问题的研究,也为了解欧洲面临美国攻...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2559830984/4465277049579925...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2559830984/4465277049579925 ​

//@平湖0611: 战无不胜的毛泽东思想万岁


是敌是友?毛泽东思想或许给了华为答案。 在分析欧洲买办和国家资本之间的斗争时,毛泽东的经典著作《论人民民主专政》和 《关于民族资产‎阶级和开明绅‎士问题》对“民族资产阶级”的论述,是了解英国和欧洲正面临美国步步紧逼的整体形势的最佳指南。毛泽东对这些问题的研究,也为了解欧洲面临美国攻...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2559830984/4465277049579925 ​


It's been a long time, but I can still make dumplings. ​


Gong Xi Fa Cai! May your Chinese New Year filled with #FUN# and fortune. #LiveYourDream# and dare to win #梦飞翔#

There were quite a few people wearing masks at the big Asian grocery store today outside NYC. ​

You can tell the challenge to share a link with you. ​

恭喜發財🧧✨ Happy Lunar New Year! 🥰🥟🏮 ​

I hope everyone is well. Happy New Year and best wishes. Be safe ​

Happy year of the 🐀 big coverage today. At half past seven Sean Caleb’s will be live at the Kennedy Center showing us how folks in DC are celebrating. Also latest from Wuhan on the coronavirus. As we get this glimpse of what it looks like.

#经济学人#25 January 2020 true pdf. Pls you seek the download link from my first post under this tag in January? ​

#商业周刊#27 January 2020 true pdf. Given the extreme sensitiveness of this mag, any images are risky. I'd suggest you seek the download link from my first post under this tag in January. ​

在农历新年到来之际,祝关注我的所有博友们在鼠年有鼠不尽的福气,有鼠不完的好心情!希望在新的一年里,我能像以前一样继续跟大家学到很多东西!同时,在此谢谢大家在过去一年对我的支持! ​

Coming up at 9 AM this morning a live report from Hong Kong on the coronavirus. The death toll is rising. Also latest on impeachment and Sean Callebs on birth tourism. And we will have more on the year of the 🐀

Coming up at half past seven this morning the latest from Wuhan also Nathan King explores key questions surrounding the coronavirus and we have a preview of the lunar new year 🧧 so see you soon.

