The Trump express 川普快车[哈哈][哈哈]

Check out farm-to-table tours in Japan’s only UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy

今天弄了指甲[haha] @湛琪清JessicaJann ​

A different train station this morning and a much shorter commute. I was almost - not quite of course - on time to work today.[嘻嘻] It's a beautiful autumn morning weather wise [太阳][落叶] ​

Got Tea Ennui? InWe Tea Offers New, Weird, Mediocre Cheese Tea at Beijing Fun 北京坊的因味茶

Chinese Pop Culture Primer: Andrew Moore Gives Behind-the-Scenes Glimpse at 'The Coming One' 毛不易讲了些明日之子的幕后故事

"The Visuals Should Be Like Poems" Taiwanese Pop Vet Sandee Chan to Play Yugong Yishan on Nov 17 陈珊妮将在11月17日愚公移山表演

What’s Up in Beer: Maovember Dog Pub Crawl, New Brews Arriving, and Old Brews Returning

Spice It Up! Authentic Sichuan Chuanchuanxiang at Dongwai Xiaoguan 东直门外的东外小馆串串香探店


Me: Business, classes, workout, diet, Capoeira, Latin dancing and attending social parties, friends and be their shrink cushion for their problems, Fifoño and taking him out at least three times a day, etc. etc. etc. Kinda enjoying the insanity, tho.[二哈][晕][憧憬[抓狂][嘻嘻]

me trying to excel in my career, maintain a social life, drink enough water, exercise, text everyone back, stay sane, survive and be happy ​

與好友在香港重聚〜\^o^/ ​​​​我當導遊[可爱]香港街頭小吃真的‘好好味’!


【比车祸更可怕的是人性的毁灭】网友爆料:15日早7时45分,安徽高速阜阳段30余辆车连玩相撞致18人死亡,21人受伤。然而,颍上电台87.7频率主持人在车祸现场喜笑颜开玩自拍。 作为为一个老报人,我实在是无语。知道不,你是媒体人,有公众人物的一面,你怎么能这样做?你这笑容,是一种耻辱!不仅是你...全文: ​

A Mosh pit with Outkast? Ummm now that makes no sense...[费解][费解][费解]

who said white people are uncultured

Woke up with zero energy. One charged up coffee earlier = nothing. A fizzy Red Bull now = zip. That's the bad side of being highly resistant to stimulants, you get no effect whatsoever.[困][困][困] I miss my bed!💤 ​


🍱 希望の日【PILOTFLY H2-45 Hope of the day 大阪 新世界】 .

Midnight Blues: the excitement fades, the exhaustion of the day starts to resent, the suit is hanged, the sweaty uniforms in the laundry basket. Me and Fifoño in our place... Jazz music to fill the void, dim lights outside the windows... let it be mellow, let it be chill, nostalg...全文: ​

UNDER WRAPS = secret, hidden: "The design of the new iphone was kept under wraps until its release date" "She knows she is pregnant but she wants to keep the news under wraps for a few more weeks" ​


【比特币难住万能马云:我不了解比特币,但是这不丢人!】马云 在出席活动时被问及对比特币的看法时坦言到:如果你并不知道某个东西,这并不丢人,但如果你不知道还假装知道,这会是很丢人的。而关于比特币,我只能说,我不知道


#江歌遇害# 刘鑫不懂的是,陌生人社会的选择策略,在互联网时代已经不好用了。(上#秒拍#看我的最新短视频,下载秒拍->) ​

