I dunno... shall I tattoo this?[费解][嘻嘻] @ItsBadForYa ​

I luv Doc Martens' boots. Need to find some Goth style again. Perfect for winter.☝

I just love boots! [太开心][太开心][太开心] Of course none of these are mine but I would like them to be mine[害羞][挤眼] ​

Mandarin Monday: Justice League's Cool Chinese-Localized Movie Posters 正义联盟的中文版海报

Coffee: the means to an end. Good morning, punks, it's getting chilly. Stay warm!☕❄ ​


【特朗普再喷在华行窃美国球员:全家都是“白眼狼”】11月初,三名来华比赛的UCLA球员因偷LV墨镜被捕。特朗普访华时对中方表示过对此案的关注,三人也随之被释放。结果偷盗球员LiAngelo Ball他爹“球爹”却说:我儿子被放和特朗普有啥关系,偷东西也不是大事。于是,今天特朗普就上推喷了Ball全家… ​

Under Clouds Offers Elevated Yunnanese Dishes and Delicious Desserts 我们去半山腰尝了新菜以及甜点

Introducing 'Little Fatty,' The Robot Servicing Beijing's Old Age Homes and Hospitals智能机器人“小胖”与白癜风患者及老人互动

早安⛅️ ​

Ye Cannae Dae Nuhin Wrang by Going to This Year's St. Andrew’s Charity Ball, Nov 25 11·月25日圣安德鲁斯公益舞会

Obentos' New Winter Menu Fights Off Chills With Hearty Salads and Soupy Bentos 本之味推出冬季新菜单



Memorial Set for Beloved Funk Fever Co-Founder Roobin Golestan at Migas, Nov 26 11月26日migas下午3点开始举办纪念 Funk Fever的联合创办人Roobin Golestan的活动

A New Chapter: New Literary Festival Celebrates European and Chinese Writing, Nov 21-24 中欧国际文学节在老书虫举办

Q Mex Taqueria's New Mexican Brunch Will Blitz Your Hangover Into Next Weekend 金尚Q Mex Taqueria新上周末早午餐


【津巴布韦“政变”的前因后果】#英语晨读# Day709 ①Troops invaded the presidential palace and put the president, Robert Mugabe in custody... "is family are safe and sound, and their security is guaranteed." ~ put sb in custody: 羁押某人;safe and sound: 安然无恙 ②It’s merely an ...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2635245173/4176062361201442 ​


【如何用英语聊天气? 】牛津外教Michael老师教你如何用英语表达各类天气,积累相关词汇、短语及句型,对雅思托福口语考试很有帮助。#雅思托福口语精华#


【10种英文表达感谢的方式】10 Ways to Say You’re Thankful in English,西方的Thanksgiving Day快到了,在这一天人们感恩生活和家人赐予的美好,那么如何用英语表达感谢呢?快来学学这些地道表达,说给最重要的人吧!

很高兴告诉大家 @胡胡樱子 的试验成功得结束了。已经把500元还给她了因为她确实天天读了20分钟了。结果她考试考得超厉害!超过90%的准确率。看来她的潜能很大希望她这样会继续学地道英语。谢谢你的参与@胡胡樱子 [微笑] ​

That's like a mantra to me. Tequila's my best (and only) friend! Salud!🍸

says a sign in Las Vegas ​

Once upon a time in a bar ..... An optimist saw the cup as half full. A pessimist saw the cup as half empty. and then ........ A feminist slapped them both for staring at her boobs. ​

