“It’s a semi-hollow Memphis Les Paul that works great for me now,” says French-Israeli pop and folk-rock artist Keren Ann, gesturing at her current axe of choice. “I used to travel with a guitar that weighed as much as a family of triplets."

What’s Up in Beer: 7th Chili Cook-Off, Tour de Jing, Tianjin Steamer Launch Party, and New Brews

The revamped spring menu goes beyond the traditional French dishes that #InfraRouge already had on offer. Their Alsatian snails, madeleine, foie gras, and other dishes now have Chinese touches like soy milk, ginger, and Sichuan pepper oil.

With its airy buildings, high-tech equipment, and green open spaces, walking around the #Urbrew factory feels more like visiting the campus of an internet startup than a brewery.

Man Man De Qi’s friendly, speedy service, light but filling and flavorful fare, and low prices amount to a solid lunch option on a busy workday, especially if you’re looking for something quick and easy that won’t immediately bulge your belly.

She you at 9 am for another hour of news. More on Cuba in the Post Castro era. Also latest on trade troubles between the U.S. and China. And a look at China tourism in the U.S. We'll see you soon. ​

One more workday till the weekend! ​

For some reason our news team is the green team today. Perhaps because Earth Day 2018 is fast approaching. ​

Hi there at half past seven I'm on the air with a half hour of news. We'll have the latest on the big changes in Cuba as it moves into a new chapter without a Castro in charge. Our reporter Dan Williams is covering Cherry tariffs in the U.S.. And Paul Barber is in London where...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/3394316190/4230773387234556 ​

Adding ISH to a number is like saying "approximately, roughly": "The party will start at 8ish" "There is space in the office for 20ish members of staff" You may also see people add ISH to adjectives sometimes: "She was a largish woman." (She was quite large, not very large. La...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/3172107164/4230654109310082 ​

现在就开始直播英语课一直直播到晚上很晚。Zoom 会议号码 550 363 769 连接 . 大家欢迎免费旁听英语外教课 Watch free English class online live broadcast now. ​

两只小野鸭穿行其中,不亦乐乎 ​



白宫里有什么?我们来深入探索一下美国总统的豪宅吧!地上4层,地下1层,中间还有夹层,包括东西两个翼楼 @译学馆 ​


【英国下议院对于发动"对叙利亚空袭"的辩论】#看视频学英语# 13日,美英法对叙利亚发动军事打击;16日,首相请求议长大人举行紧急辩论。#英国首相梅姨# 阐述了英国为什么要参加这次空袭,反对党也提出了相应的质疑,又是一次唇枪舌战。[吃瓜]




We’re born alone, we live alone, and we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for a moment that we’re not alone. #旅行摄影##摄影技巧# ​

Propaganda is everywhere both inside and outside of China.

【CGTN@主持人杨锐 以“白头盔”摆拍切入,分析二战、伊拉克战争到如今的叙利亚之殇中媒体所起的负面宣传作用】 A war of propaganda is nothing new if one looks at what the Nazis did prior to and during the Second World War to justify their wartime atrocities. It is a difficult compariso...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/3173633817/4229935956256606 ​

For all of Tsinghua\'s bright minds, English fluency doesn\'t appear to be a primary concern after one of its famous landmarks has been revealed to include a spelling mistake that went uncorrected for years.

Dinner is about to be served, and it’ll be for a good cause.🌈

