The Global Times video starts off innocuously enough, but eventually the clip lambasts the creators of these fusion eats for "ridiculing" both cultures gastronomic traditions.

[怒] 美商务部长:基本策略是让中方感到更多痛苦-观察者网

#英语笑话# Impact of job change!!! One day, a taxi passenger touched the driver on his shoulder to ask for something. The driver screamed, lost control of his car, went up onto the footpath & stopped a few inches from a shop. The passenger apologized & said: "I didn't realise th...全文: ​

The Almost Art Project, masterminded by contemporary artist and curator Sammi Liu, tackles the idea of 'almost art' by specializing in showcasing works made by non-professional artists, or also called ‘outsiders.'

"I would like to continue to record and push the envelope. On our last record, I feel like we had a minor breakthrough and I hope that we can still do that. Who knows? "


With your preliminary Burger Cup votes, we’ve sliced the initial fat stack of 120 contenders down to a lean 32, all now beefing for the ultimate title of Beijing's Best Burger.

The beer gods are certainly not on our side as of late, damning us most recently with confirmation that Jing-A's always-packed Sanlitun 1949 "The Hidden City" taproom has indeed met its permanent demise.


【TED教育:听觉如何感知声音?】当听觉正常运作时,我们的听觉就是一个惊人的系统,我们的耳朵包含着调节精密的生物装置,能够将我们周围空中不和谐的震动转化成精确调节过的电脉冲,以区分是拍手声还是水龙头声 是叹气声还是苍蝇的声音,那么,听觉具体是如何运作的呢?




#英文王子[超话]# 英语音标读音示范,纯正的美式发音,脸部口型展示,帮助你读准美式音标发音。 ​​​

//@柏颖007:犀利//@况秀猛: [汗][汗][good][good]//@刘文华律师:好危险//@微永州:



8位翻译官的经验分享:为什么要选择做翻译? ​


[哈哈]【特朗普当众dis美国精英阶级:你们“精英”那么厉害怎么没当上总统啊?!】在20日明尼苏达的集会上,特朗普当着自己支持者的面,大肆嘲笑了支持希拉里、总爱和自己唱反调的精英阶级:“呵,精英!他们凭啥被叫作‘精英’?我住的房子比他们好,比他们有钱,比他们聪明,我还当上了总统!你们精...全文: ​

Think about it: jianbing is already one of the world’s superior breakfast and drunk foods, and what goes better with either one of those than avocado? I ​

According to the company, the rebates through WeChat are available in South Korea, Germany, Italy, Greece, and Finland, among others. 


If you have been a student in Beijing, it’s likely that one of your first Western meals after arriving was at a branch of Laker’s.


Leading the charge is the new branch of Sanlian Taofen, a 24-hour bookstore that sits in stark contrast to the disco and shots-fueled Youth Club that once occupied the space.

