威少球迷秀肌肉暴揍“大胡子”?nba季后赛斗得人仰马翻,“威少支持者”、体操世界冠军@邓书弟TC 和@尤浩why 带给大家轻松一乐,还有威少正版球衣抽奖!#你就是超巨#

威兄弟连砍三场三双,还是挡不住阿登3比1领先[悲伤]小邓本来就够捉急的了,竟然还有个大胡子跑我这来挑衅...肿么办?看视频就知道了!!带话题#你就是超巨#,转发评论我这条微博,助阵@威斯布鲁克 [拍手]4月28日中午12点抽出一名幸运球迷由@新浪体育 赠送威少球衣哦~ . ​

We family //@董硕Michael:Only you seriously reply to each fan's message! Only you fight for the fans! Next season, wherever you are, Beijing will always be your home![泪]@StephonMarbury

Work harder and prove them wrong! ​

回复@口译_魏德里:#Love is Love# My brother. It's been nothing but a blessing in coming to China. I'm forever grateful for the love and support.

I want to Thank you all!

【男篮国手@八一邹雨宸 报名参加2017NBA选秀!】#八一内线参加nba选秀#

来自@体育大生意 的消息,中国男篮国手、CBA八一男篮当家中锋邹雨宸报名参加2017年NBA选秀。邹雨宸出生于1996年7月5日,身高2.08米。上赛季在CBA场均贡献16.3分,外加8.6板、2.4次封盖和1.3次抢断,其中场均盖帽数排名全联盟第一。 ​

回复@帅气的首钢先生:You can see me in June. We will have an event at the Marbury Home//@帅气的首钢先生:can't i see u August?It seems to hug u@StephonMarbury

#马布里8月再战# 篮球🏀火不熄,梦想永不止,离开只是短暂休息,感谢@StephonMarbury 的付出!永远支持马政委。#电影我是马布里#,巅峰征程,8月再燃! ​

回复@永恒一北京:I believe this can happen. Faith and belief are two things that will give you power.//@永恒一北京:We believe you are going to creat a new legend.

Work harder and prove them wrong! ​

They didn't do anything wrong and you guys are the best fans in the world. They made a decision and we will see next year if their decision was the right decision. From their expertise in basketball they might think this is the best way. We will see next year.

Work harder and prove them wrong! ​

It's a blessing to be in this space. At this point of my career I have the chance to end it the way I like and not the way someone else felt. Working hard and giving it all that I have one last time is the way a real champion goes down. What an amazing chapter in my life. #LIL#

【马布里:要证明他们错了】前北京男篮外援马布里@StephonMarbury 更新微博,晒出自己与举鼎瞬间的合影,并称“更加努力训练,证明他们错了!”40岁的马布里在被北京队放弃后,目前仍是自由身,他的下家目前仍是未知数。但此前马布里接受采访时曾表示,自己希望加盟一支有争冠实力的球队,加油[good] ​

I'm not a king I'm a servant to the people. I love entertaining those who watch. //@Best_VII:I believe that without BeijingShouGang,you are still the king of the field. Wherever you are, we are always together with you!

Work harder and prove them wrong! ​

【申花主场延期:9月四天内连战上港鲁能】由于申花主场虹口足球场在上个月发生火灾,看台顶棚等区域受损,加之电力方面的问题,申花主场暂时无法进行中超比赛。足协今天宣布申花主场对阵鲁能的比赛改在9月19日,此外9月16日申花还将迎来与上港的上海德比,这意味着申花将在4天内连战两强敌![抓狂] ​

This is the goal to make another story before I end my career //@一起扛5863777569:Anything is possible to you ! You will create more and more miracles to your fans, to Beijing,to the world!@StephonMarbury

Work harder and prove them wrong! ​

Tell your father I said thanks for making you watch the game [嘻嘻]

I want to Thank you all!

Thanks for your love! I will try to be my best ever next year. //@霍ZE华:There is no match without a strongopponent.Iam a fan of Liaoning.But I respect you very much.Do real Marbury next season.[心]

Work harder and prove them wrong! ​

#刘小光被曝出轨# 赵明剑真是躺着也中枪[笑cry]

【赵四出轨赵明剑躺枪!只因……】曝出喜剧演员刘小光出轨女粉丝之后,球员赵明剑的微博险些沦陷,他在微博中调侃回应:“此时此刻,我只想替《四哥说声对不起》对不起广大粉丝们啦 ​ ”为啥会这样险些误伤呢,因为赵明剑的绰号就是“赵四”,他微博的昵称也正是——@尼古拉斯赵四13 [笑cry] ​

KG刺客在节目里狂膜詹皇!KG直言詹皇实在太伟大,他统治了这个时代,而我们都被他的这种伟大给宠坏了。via@虎扑JRs字幕 #高光时刻#

【韩乔生怒斥#冰球赛群殴#】在今天全国男子冰球锦标赛哈尔滨一队与北京队的比赛中发生斗殴。@大嘴韩乔生 :请大家看白队5号...其他我就不说了...第一个被他打到的孩子才16岁...第二个被袭击是97年出生宋安东……我认为是中国冰球之耻....如果冰球部和冬管中心对此事听之任之的话....中国队还得输0:14 ...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1638781994/4100160785326504 ​

#NBA赛事回顾#【骑士4-0横扫步行者晋级】@克利夫兰骑士 106-102@印第安纳步行者 ,凭借着詹姆斯最后时刻的一记三分和一次抢断,骑士客场险胜,总比分4-0晋级东部半决赛。詹姆斯砍下33分10个篮板,欧文28分,德隆14分;步行者赛季宣告结束,芬森22分6个篮板,特纳10分,乔治15分7个篮板6次助攻。...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1638781994/4100151692342254 ​

#球星实录#【戈贝尔vs快船G4实录】爵士主场迎战快船,戈贝尔本场迎来复出。全场砍下15分13篮板,爵士最终以105-98战胜快船,将大比分扳平至2-2.http://www.miaopai.com/show/pHaXhb6tuFBcIwav~QkZZPR8YaYGZyl8.htm ​


Exactly! Thank you for the love //@GloriadeerRan:Running to your dream without regret.Just remember your are a beijinger. Support your every decision.Waiting for you to come back.MVP No.3 Love is Love.

Work harder and prove them wrong! ​

