Thank you always for your love and support for Beijing and myself now. //@顾思汀:Continue to create history and glory. I wouldn't have been surprised to see a miracle happen to you.

Work harder and prove them wrong! ​

新浪#3x3黄金联赛#深圳站比赛,球星单挑环节,张庆鹏跟10位草根球员单挑,其中有位叫做陈雅琳@陳雅琳Lynn 的女生。不仅球打得好,颜值也很高哦![舔屏][舔屏][舔屏]高清图集: #巴特尔体育荣耀篮途# @巴特尔体育荣耀篮途 ​

科比@KobeBryant 近日携妻亮相纽约翠贝卡电影节,西装革履满脸胡渣变大叔[酷] ​

I will never forget you guys. You all live in my heart and spirit. //@咱北京人儿:Don't forget us,I beg[心][泪]

Work harder and prove them wrong! ​

回复@依楼LLL:We can do anything we put our minds to when we're focused, determined and willing to sacrifice for the goal in mind.//@依楼LLL:You can do it//@StephonMarbury:This is all that can happen. I will commit my life towards doing this next year.

Work harder and prove them wrong! ​

回复@happylear:I'm not upset I'm motivated. This gives me something to work harder for. I helped Beijing win 3 championships now I'm gonna help another team try to win a championship some place else. It's a great platform and story for people to follow next year. This is good for basketball!

Work harder and prove them wrong! ​


Coach Min, teammates and myself helped create change in the CBA. It was a hard task but we did it and no one can take that away. //@亡灵-刘贺:Marbury promoted CBA to a level,Great self-evident

I want to Thank you all!

This is all that can happen. I will commit my life towards doing this next year. //@李伯辰:I can't agree anymore

Work harder and prove them wrong! ​

Support Beijing and think of me when you can. #Love is Love# //@王感恩喜欢Juicy13:what should i do?i will always support you#love is love# ❤️

Work harder and prove them wrong! ​

There's so much [心]in the Marbury House We created that place together /@地表最强小旋风:I've been to Marbury's house a few times, and every time I go to a small museum, it's not just your glory, but also our hearts and love. All the love here, I will support you, will bless you.

Work harder and prove them wrong! ​

This is the truth. The off season is where you become better. //@Mr_Chen世强:Time is the best witness, Love is Love.[加油]

Work harder and prove them wrong! ​

【赵四出轨赵明剑躺枪!只因……】曝出喜剧演员刘小光出轨女粉丝之后,球员赵明剑的微博险些沦陷,他在微博中调侃回应:“此时此刻,我只想替《四哥说声对不起》对不起广大粉丝们啦 ​ ”为啥会这样险些误伤呢,因为赵明剑的绰号就是“赵四”,他微博的昵称也正是——@尼古拉斯赵四13 [笑cry] ​


#梅西绝杀皇马# 抛开梅球王的天神降临的原因,战术而论梅西读秒绝杀究竟是谁的锅?巴萨最后时刻绝命反击,此时莫德里奇铲断罗伯托失败,随后奋起回追,皮克则是从更远的本方禁区内快速插上参与进攻,这也直接导致最后魔笛跟防皮克放掉了梅西,而反观下半场70分钟才出场的科瓦契奇则是一路散步回防,全...全文: ​

【马布里:要证明他们错了】前北京男篮外援马布里@StephonMarbury 更新微博,晒出自己与举鼎瞬间的合影,并称“更加努力训练,证明他们错了!”40岁的马布里在被北京队放弃后,目前仍是自由身,他的下家目前仍是未知数。但此前马布里接受采访时曾表示,自己希望加盟一支有争冠实力的球队,加油[good] ​

Haha! I'm not this kind of people. The connection we all created will last no matter where I am. //@生我养我的地方叫北京_:I'm afraid you will not give me a reply when you leave Beijing. Everything goes well for you.

I want to Thank you all!

This is the truth. We're all family at the end of it all. #Love is Love# //@地表最强小旋风:Our home will always be the home of Marbury, the home of the is always in Beijing, we will always be a family, no matter where you go, we are a big family, I love you, my hero.

Work harder and prove them wrong! ​

Thank you. Love always //@彤彤Athena:I hope you will be very well。You are always Beijing Hero!#Love is Love# @StephonMarbury

Work harder and prove them wrong! ​

This movie will move the hearts and minds of so many. This story is about the glory and the challenge to reach deep down inside to find the best in you. Love, passion and basketball will be displayed on the movie screen. #MyOtherHome#

#马布里8月再战# 篮球🏀火不熄,梦想永不止,离开只是短暂休息,感谢@StephonMarbury 的付出!永远支持马政委。#电影我是马布里#,巅峰征程,8月再燃! ​

【曝苏宁已约谈崔龙洙】据@足球报官方微博 ,由于中超战绩糟糕,苏宁高层已找了崔龙洙谈话,希望周中对济州联的亚冠不能再输———尽管小组已出线,但俱乐部不想再输球,换言之,如果输给济州联,崔龙洙就几乎再无回转余地。同时,苏宁和新帅的谈判也在进行中,目前主攻的是……卡佩罗! ​

