科學與宗教的目的完全不同;科學尋找「甚麼」,宗教尋找「為甚麼」。- Paul Reznikoff The objective of science and religion is completely different. Science is in search of 'what' and religion is in search of 'why'. - Paul Reznikoff

I came to see your baptism becuz I know how much it means to you. And I thank God for drawing you close to Him. Proud of you bro'! 💪Shine for Him! 😊 @李逸朗Don

弟兄,恭喜你!「若有人在基督,他就是新造的人,舊事已過,都變成新的了。」👏😊 Bro', congrats! 'Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!' @李逸朗Don

謝謝了解我的朋友,經常告訴我關於「小王子」的資訊。今天UA院線小食部推出小王子模型,會員價80元入手!😊 Thanks to my friends who always tell me things about The Little Prince. Got this Le Petit Prince figure from UA cinema for $80. Yay!

冬天冬天,你拋下我們去冬眠了嗎?😒 風扇收起來了,唯有出動它。快熱死!😰 Winter, where are you? No fan at home except this. Gosh, so hot!

