
I have my purple tie on and ready to join you at 9 am....on for one hour. We'll have the latest on Wang Yi's address at the U.N....and reaction to it. Also latest on quake in Mexico and wrap up on what's happened in Puerto Rico following the hurricane. Also latest on launch of...全文: ​


#龙哥新观察#【凤姐在地铁上出头怒怼嘲讽女同胞的美国人,却遭该女同胞侮辱,你怎么看?[喵喵]】 近日有网友爆料,在美国地铁上一位有点醉酒的美国人对一名华裔女性进行嘲讽,本以为是喝多了就没再理会。但是该男子更是变本加厉对该华裔女子进行言语攻击,周围的华人们都没有挺身而出,但是这时候在车...全文: ​

哎,也是醉了,这是严重的侵犯//@Ming_the_Great_大明://@喷嚏网铂程://@长得帅不如跑地快:FBI五月份清晨去他家搜查的时候不是先敲门说,社区送温暖来啦,而是直接撬锁进去把他和老婆从床上叫醒 [允悲]

这位就是俄罗斯派来卧底的,在加入川总竞选团队之前就被FBI的反间谍部门盯上了 [小黄人无奈] ​


回复@HoraceWittel:Man, she might be doing it all wrong, otherwise why the frown, I' be more like...[坏笑][太开心][舔屏][晕][憧憬][笑而不语][坏笑][污][害羞][傻眼][吃惊][衰]💦[可爱][鼓掌][困][睡]//@HoraceWittel:图片评论

after testing your new vibrator on the highest setting ​

Got a lot of great votes for different colored ties from green to black and such. But I actually went with the first vote...purple...or maybe it's lilac. At any rate....I think this was fun...perhaps it was fun for you too. So I am going to make it Tie Tuesday.....I'll let you...全文: ​

#自学西语# 语法18讲复习。 A student turned out to be a follower on Weibo. Funny that he has been following me for a long time but couldn't recognize me at the beginning. Guess I should post more selfies? Amazed again to see how sns connects ppl in the real life! God knows why I...全文: ​

下了课坐在前台休息,无意听见一位老师打电话传来“还是阳性”、“四个指标有两个”、“还吃药吗”、“能去幼儿园吗”?看见她面色凝重,大概猜到是和她在山西老家的儿子有关。 和她不熟,照以往很可能就不多过问了,但想起Option B书中所说“Adress the Elephant”,于是起身去厕所路过她身旁随意地...全文: ​


#睡前听歌# 老薛这段时间真是一言难尽啊,希望还能不忘初心的做音乐,来听听#薛之谦# 歌曲MV合集。@潮音乐


今天国际著名评级机构标准普尔下调了中国信用等级,这是该机构自1999年以来首次下调中国信用等级。 ​



Great. But i'd like to see the same test in 2 years time. This is the true test of how well engineered it is...if it lasts

时速350公里的“复兴号”上,除了能立硬币外,还能立……这些[笑而不语] Coin, pen, mobile phone and water bottle stand steadily on China's new bullet train Fuxing with the highest speed of 350 km/h. (video: Xinhua)

//@海角新闻:[挤眼]//@潇洒lubianguanfeng://@-作家郭延://@西风吹雪l: //@施怀基备用:[笑cry][笑cry][笑cry]//@媒体人欧菲v:这个小区里住的全部是五毛吧?[哈哈]

说:一业主去隔壁小区做客,然后和人谈起感受:“那个小区的物业服务好、管理到位、环境优美、空气就像是甜的。而本小区业主交了物业费却管理一团糟”。话传回后,本小区一些业主义愤填膺:“狗不嫌家贫、没有物业就没有小区、我们小区还在发展中,你这个忘恩负义的区奸、卖区贼一定是收了隔壁钱… ​

A king had 10 wild dogs. He used them to torture and kill any minister that misguided him. A minister once gave an opinion which was wrong and which the king didn’t like at all…  So he ordered that the minister to be thrown to the dogs. The minister said,  "I served you loyally...全文: ​

The Bombastic Tavey Lean and The Solid Gold Machine's Birthday Show on Saturday, a Farewell to Two Members? 9月23日在4corners演出

Throwback Thursday: National Holiday and Other Reasons for a City Break 周四回顾:十一假期

A Former Refugee's Musical Remedies: Q&A With Somaliland Singer Sahra Halgan Ahead of Sep 27 DDC Gig 采访 Sahra Halgan,他将在9月27日DDC演出:// ​

China Eases Rules on In-Flight Electronics Usage中国民航局不再规范飞机上使用便携式电子设备

20 Family-Friendly Beijing Events in Sep: Parties and Picnics, Breast Cancer Awareness Talk, and More! 20个适合家庭参与的活动

