鯉魚門 for dinner 😋 ​

A minister, a priest and a rabbi went for a hike one day. It was very hot.They were sweating and exhausted when they came upon a small lake. Since it was fairly secluded, they took off all their clothes and jumped in the water. Feeling refreshed, the trio decided to pick a few be...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1920651622/4175190684194217 ​

Johnny noticed that Jimmy was wearing a brand new, shiny watch. “Did you get that for your birthday?” – asked Johnny. “Nope.” – replied Jimmy. “Well, did you get it for Christmas then?” Again Jimmy said “Nope.” “You didn’t steal it, did you?” – asked Johnny. “No,”...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1920651622/4175190482731416 ​

搬家日!Rosie和我都很兴奋〜\^o^/ ​​​​#TaylorR#

I have these worst scenarios deep down that I mentally prepare for. It’s more or less like the Indefinite Pessimism, as Peter Thiel put it. It helps at times, when things are screwed up, I can manage to pull myself together. It sucks at times, as I’m more likely to deny myself ...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2211085780/4175070278625961 ​


我对女权主义没啥偏见,但是有的女人吧,真是猪脑子,随便说点什么,她都能给你扯到男人头上,总是只要是个女的,就是完美的,是不可以批判的,你们这些男的更垃圾更爱装逼。 我说,我在批判男性的时候,怎么没见你们出来说我歧视男性? ​


【台籍十九大代表卢丽安被注销户籍 无论如何,大陆和台湾都是她的家】十九大台籍代表,上海复旦大学教授卢丽安及其家人,近期被台湾方面注销了户籍。对此国台办发言人马晓光评论称:台湾方面无论采取什么措施,都无损她爱家乡、爱祖国大陆的情怀。无论她在台湾是否有户籍,大陆和台湾都是她的家。卢丽...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1663072851/4174313362485437 ​

Sucks to be you... Uh-huh uh-huh...🎵

how to be savage 101

Cleaning Up Nice: City Bookstore Opens on Sanlitun's Formerly 'Dirty' Bar Street 曾经的三里屯脏街酒吧成了书店

The Job Hunt: Models for Yang Li, Roundabout Operations Director, Financial Researcher, Developer for Ancestry Startup 本周招聘

A Spicy Battle of the Nations: TBJ's 7th Annual Chili Pepper Contest Needs You! 挑战自己,thebeijinger第七届吃辣椒大赛将在12月2日举办,来来来[来]

GIVEAWAY! Plastered 8 Just Made the Only Christmas Decoration You Need This Year 快来赢取创口贴8的雾霾北京

Q&A Platform Zhihu Just Opened a Pop-Up Shop in Sanlitun, Flexing Commercial Potential 知乎的快闪店不知道诊所


迈理倪Vlog137-相信自己,就一定会赢!You are Going to Win! (分享自 @优酷)

Woman with unique birthmark covering most of her body shares insecurities 这个melanoma确实是个麻烦 ​


【超模吉吉宣布不参加上海维秘秀】超模吉吉·哈迪德在个人社交网站上发表声明,表示不会参加今年在上海举办的维密秀,“对于缺席今年的上海维密秀,我感到沮丧难过,我爱维密大家庭,我会在精神上支持大家。”但未说明具体原因。早前,吉吉因“歧视亚裔”事件引发网友不满,9月1日,曾在微博道歉。...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/1642591402/4174982504106254 ​


江歌刘鑫案、杭州保姆纵火、学生刺死帮助过他的老师:好人总是输,我们怎么办? ​


有什么网络小说,你看完它之后,有一段时间看不下别的小说了? ​

移动互联社交时代,灰姑娘的故事![汗][汗]one night stay!

That bias is always there and springs up occasionally.


